
Understanding Rotator Cuff-Related Pain

Understanding Rotator Cuff-Related Pain

Rotator cuff related pain is a common musculoskeletal condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The rotator cuff consists of a group of four muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint and allow for a wide range of motion. When these structures become injured or damaged, they can lead to pain, discomfort, and limited mobility. In this blog post, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, acute phase management, and long-term outcomes of rotator cuff related pain.

Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon injuries

Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon injuries

Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle (and subsequent tendon) runs down the medial border of the tibia past the malleolus and inserts into the plantar surface of the foot and into the base of distal phalanx of hallux. Its role is to move the big toe downwards. FHL pain is usually characterised by medial ankle and foot pain. Sometimes, the discomfort can run up into the medial calf.

Syndesmosis sprains : The high ankle injury

Syndesmosis sprains : The high ankle injury

You may have heard various athletes suffering a high ankle sprain or injuring their syndesmosis. But what exactly is a syndesmosis injury? And how does it differ to a normal lateral ankle sprain?

The ankle syndesmosis is the joint between the distal (lowest aspect) of your tibia and fibula. It is comprised by three main supporting ligamentous structures – The Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, Posterior inferior Tibiofibular ligament, and interosseous membrane (see Figure 1). The role of the syndesmosis is to provide stability to the tibia and fibula and resist separation of these two bones during weightbearing tasks. It also plays a role in assisting with mobility of the ankle.

Low Back Pain Myths

 Low Back Pain Myths

There is a lot of information out there on low back pain and injuries. Some of which is very useful but on the other hand there is a lot of misinformation which can sometimes lead us in the wrong direction. In this blog we will look to debunk some of the most common low back pain myths!

Dietary Supplementation

Dietary Supplementation

The dietary supplement and health food market is massive and is continuing to grow. To gain that extra edge it is not a surprise that athletes of all backgrounds find themselves drawn to additional dietary help to improve their physical output. Unfortunately, most of the supplements on shelves are not what they are made out to be and there is no substitute for good old-fashioned hard work.

Common Adolescent Conditions – Part One: Ankle

Common Adolescent Conditions – Part One: Ankle

This topic seems somewhat timely given these particular injuries are normally load related.

As discussed in my previous blog about Load Management, the last 6 months have played havoc with people’s Acute Chronic Workload Ratio and children/adolescents are no exception.

The conditions I will be discussing are usually related to a big spike in activity which has been the case this year with most sporting organisations eager to recommence their seasons. These spikes will be somewhat amplified in young athletes who participate in multiple sports or who are already specialising in their chosen sport which can mean numerous training sessions/games per week.

Load Management

Load Management

I started writing this blog about 2 months ago as Winter Sports pre-seasons started to ramp up. What a difference 2 months can make right? Back then, my purpose was to focus on the consequences of increasing physical activity (too much load) too quickly. However, on further reflection, the focus can also be on not enough physical activity (under-loading) which is probably more topical.

Workstation Ergonomics: Tips to staying pain free

Workstation Ergonomics: Tips to staying pain free

With a large percentage of people now working from home the team at East Vic Park Physio thought it would be a good idea to provide some simple but useful information on workstation ergonomics.

Previous to what we used to think, there is not one way to correctly sit at your workstation. Your set up should be able to accommodate for a range of comfortable positions that you can frequently change throughout the day.



In a world focused on optimal performance, adequate recovery is paramount in allowing consistent high intensity effort. Exercise in general uses various body energy systems in which the waste products (eg lactic acid) can hinder performance. The quicker the waste is processed and cleared out from the body, the quicker the body returns back to homeostasis. 

Sleep Hygiene: Simple tips to keep it clean

Sleep Hygiene: Simple tips to keep it clean

here is a reason we spend approximately one third of our lives sleeping. It is a very important aspect of life and affects just about every biological system of the human body in one way or another. With that in mind it is still amazing how many people still deprive themselves of it. According to the Geneva Convention, sleep deprivation can be interpreted as a form of torture. So, it begs the question, why do we knowingly do it to ourselves?