Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Middle to late Rehabilitation

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy middle to late Stage Rehabilitation

In the early stages of rehabilitation, the focus was acute management and early loading to assist with pain relief and base tendon activation avoiding compressive/provocative positions.

In the middle to early phase the focus is on progressive loading of the tendon, isotonically in initially non-compressive loads but gradually progressing to them.  This involves focus on both concentric and eccentric phase with increased duration through each, to increase the time under tension. Eccentric exercises such as Nordics represent low compressive loads progressing to more compressive loading with the Romanian deadlift from double to single leg.

Examples of middle stage exercises from non-compressive to compressive loads include:




Single Leg Hip Thruster

Barbell Romanian Deadlift

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

Late Stage Rehabilitation

The aim of late stage is the involvement of running based technique, stretch shortening cycles and running.  If technical deficits in running have been identified, such as longer stride length, then these can be incorporated to not only load the hamstring tendon but also retrain running patterns.

Explosive Step Up

Barbell Walking Lunge

A Skip